Sunday, May 13, 2012

IIT-JEE future will be decided on 28th May

The logjam over merging IIT-Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) with the single entrance for all engineering courses continues as the IIT Council meeting held to discuss the modalities ended without anyconclusive outcome on Saturday.

During the meeting, between IIT directors and the Human Resource Development ministry, it is learnt that the senates of six IITs (Mumbai, Delhi, Kharagapur, Chennai, Kanpur, Roorkee) clearly expressed their disagreement with the ministry’s proposal of including IIT in the single Common Entrance Test (CET). The senate of IIT Guwahati was the only one which agreed with the proposal.

There was a general feeling among the Senates that the proposed CET can be used as a filter to screen students and thereafter the IITs can conduct one more test to select from the pool of the merit list. In fact, IIT Kharagpur Senate even suggested that instead of going in haste, the premier engineering institutes should first examine how the CET goes on for the first two years as a selection procedure before adopting it.

The MHRD and Councils of IIT and NIT will now hold a joint meeting on May 28 to take a final call on this.

The CET, which is expected to begin from 2013-14, will also club the IIT-JEE along with entrance test for all engineering colleges under central government.

The All-India IIT Faculty Federation along with IIT Delhi, Kanpur and Mumbai, have openly expressed their reservation against the CET fearing that it may dilute the brand of country’s premier engineering institutes, and suggested various changes in the format proposed by the government.

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